Other financial reporting

5/17/2022 4:11:32 PM
Other financial reporting

Accounting is one of the sciences that has served human society since ancient times. This knowledge always deals with information that plays an important role in the productivity of human life. Knowing the basic concepts of accounting and applying it will certainly play a special role in economic goals.

As a result, in the rest of this article, you will learn how to prepare financial reports, which is one of the most important activities in accounting. In fact, accounting can be considered as the science of expressing calculations in the language of accounting and preparing financial reports. Certainly, the importance of financial reporting can be understood from this point.

The general purpose of this article is for those interested in accounting to become familiar with the principles of accounting and how to prepare financial reports and implement it in their small institutions.




What is a financial report?
It is the responsibility of the financial statements of any accounting firm or institution. These reports, which are prepared periodically, contain very important information that is very important for the financial future of the company.

It is clear that financial statements should include assets, liabilities, income, expenses, equity, cash flow in the company, etc. over a period of time. Financial reports have three types of time periods; First quarter financial statements, semi-annual financial statements and one-year financial statements.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, preparing financial statements is one of the most important tasks of an accountant; Because he must use these reports to make the company's financial information easy for the public to understand.

Financial reports prepared in each institution must be recorded in the legal offices; For this reason, one of the most important documents of any company is the financial reports of that company and great care must be taken in its preparation.



Concepts to be mentioned in financial statements?
All economic resources that are used to carry out economic activities are called assets. Resources that are created and identified as a result of transactions and financial activities and have the potential to be convert ed into money are called assets.


To the commitments made to the institution; In the case of cash or receipt of goods and services, non-cash, the cost of which must be borne by payment and transfer of assets, is called debt.


Shareholders' rights
Shareholders' rights are the rights of the people who have invested in the collection. Their salaries will be derived from the sum of assets and liabilities.


The total revenue of the collection
The financial benefits that will result   from the sale or service of an economic complex are called income. The important thing about a collection's income is that the investors' income is not part of a collection's assets.


The amount brought by shareholders
In some cases, shareholders make a profit due to long-term investment in a group. The amount of return that shareholders make from this investment is what investors say.


Shareholder output
Sometimes the company suffers losses due to debt repayment or some other reason. This loss will eventually lead to a reduction in shareholder capital; This process is called investor output.


Benefits of preparing periodic financial statements


Determining the stock value of a company
An important issue that arises as a result of preparing financial reports from accounting software is to determine the value of each share of the company. This means that the financial situation of the company for its shareholders will be determined by financial reports.

Those who are unfamiliar with accounting and its principles but are active in the stock market are well aware of the benefits of financial reporting.


Facilitate statutory audits
The most important application of financial statements is that these reports are submitted to legal authorities. The facilitation of statutory audits and the tax debate of organizations is the result of these reports. For this reason, the need for financial reporting to pay taxes is not hidden.


Provide a financial plan for detailed planning
Financial reports are very important for the planning of institutions because they determine the amount of debt and credit of the collection; In fact, without financial statements, planning for the future of the collection is very difficult and largely impossible because it is through the preparation of financial reports that the managers of a collection can change the financial and monetary policies of the collection and make better decisions.


Smoothing the way for a collection to progress
Another important benefit of financial reporting is that it will help an organization identify its strengths and weaknesses. This flow is essential for the development of a set. The preparation of these reports will definitely help the collection to be ready to attract investors.


High importance of financial reports for auctions
In addition to the importance of publishing financial statements for micro-shareholders and managers to evaluate the financial performance of a collection, financial reporting is very important for holding a company's tenders and auctions.



Types of financial reports


Balance sheet
A set of financial statements is a balance sheet that lists the assets, liabilities and equity of a group. The balance sheet is also called a financial statement. In general, the financial position is adjusted in such a way that the assets of the group are equal to the amount of debt and shareholders' salaries.

Balance sheets are called financial statements because the balance sheet contains accurate information about the amount of debt and assets of a collection.

The general view of the balance sheet is that the assets of the collection will be mentioned on the right side of the balance sheet; Also on the left side of the balance sheet will be the amount of debts. Finally, at the end of a balance sheet, the amount of shareholders' salaries will be mentioned.



Comprehensive profit and loss statement
Another financial statement that is required for a collection is a comprehensive income statement. Based on this financial statement, the exact amount of income and expenses during a financial period will be determined.

The comprehensive income statement is a set of operating income and expenses, not non-operating expenses. As a result, the preparation of this financial statement is done when no interest has been deposited in the account of the shareholders. Compiling a comprehensive income statement is useful when a collection needs to be modified.


Profit and Loss Statement
In addition to the balance sheet, another important type of financial statement is called the income statement. The reason for compiling this financial report is because it will determine the profitability or loss of a collection.

This balance sheet is very important for companies in the capital market; Because based on observing the same balance sheet and examining its profitability or loss, investors will invest in a set.

These reports will usually be submitted at the end of the fiscal year and are not mandatory; But if the collection has been offered in the stock market, its presentation will be mandatory. In the profit and loss reports, the company's sales, assets, current expenses and the like will be mentioned.

It is based on these financial reports that analysts will predict the profitability of a group, and as a result of this analysis, many people will buy or sell shares of a company. In the financial statement of profit and loss, items such as income, expenses and the amount of profit of a collection will be mentioned.


Cash flow statement
Cash flow statement is one of the most important financial statements that shows the amount of cash flow of a collection over a period of one year. The basis for preparing this financial statement is the information that is mentioned in the financial statement of profit and loss.

The activities and resources through which cash is generated for a collection are of great importance to a collection; So like the heart to man, finding these resources is important and necessary for a collection. Finally, this financial statement shows the sources through which cash is generated and the sources through which cash is lost.

To accurately compile this financial statement, in addition to using a professional accountant, you must also use useful software in this area. Examining the financial statements of a collection is very important for the creditors of a collection because they can see how well a collection is able to pay the repayments based on the cash flow statement.

Finally, this financial statement shows the flexibility of a collection and the strength of a collection to repay loans.

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